Master of Business Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

All applications to any programmes are done via this portal. You are required to create a prospective applicant account before you can apply. Refer to how to apply below for more information.


The Global College MBA (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) degree is designed to integrate your own work-based learning and teach you the academic skills and ethics to become a successful leader who can think logically and independently. Our MBA (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) will prepare you for the challenges of management, exposing you to the latest thinking in business across a variety of sectors within an international context. You will engage with key management disciplines including financial and economic analysis, strategy and innovation, managing and developing people, global marketing management, cross-cultural management and ethics and, of course, operations and supply chain management.

Master of Business Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Application Duration: Aug 23, 2023 - Aug 31, 2023
Application Fee No application fee
More Information

A good degree from a recognised university institution or equivalent recognised higher education institution. Whilst a degree in a subject broadly related to Business and Management is advantageous, this is not essential. The application process will carefully consider the suitability of the student to successfully complete the programme based on the information provided. Where appropriate, a discussion will be held with the applicant to determine their suitability, orA graduate level professional qualification from a recognised University institution or appropriate comparable recognised higher education institution. A graduate level professional qualification in a subject broadly related to Business and Management is advantageous. The application process will carefully consider the suitability of the student to successfully complete the programme based on the information provided. Where appropriate, a discussion will be held with the applicant to determine their suitability, or appropriate, a discussion will be held with the applicant to determine their suitability, orWhere appropriate, a pre-master’s orientation programme approved by Global College Malta.
